Several thousand years ago
The Jews of Egypt crossed the Sea of Reeds
Escaping then from slavery to free
And ever since we celebrate each year our passage
We, each of us, must cross this sea
From being subject to another’s will
To discipline, deciding for one’s self
Not easy to be free. Not easy to be free.
Especially true this is of politics
That nasty word
Are we the slaves of channel news
Whatever brand we somehow choose
Of hearing only what we want to hear according to our labels?
If you are this, you must think that
How often do we question what we think?
Portfolios, we have of right opinions
Based upon our chosen labels
Why do some good people choose to disagree?
Do we know why?
The age of knowledge is upon us
Data everywhere
Each fact surrounded by its countervailing fakes
How do we know which fact is true
And does it really matter?
But what is true
We always do enslave ourselves
On this Passover day
Let us remove the shackles from our minds
And cross the sea from slavery to free