In yesterday’s poem. Gas, the word saran should be spelled, sarin.
Tomahawks, some fifty nine, were launched at Al Shayrat airbase
That is the base in Syria, that sourced the sarin gas attack
The one whose cable images, horrific scenes on which to gaze,
Made Trump reverse his policy toward Al Assad, no looking back
This gas attack was not the first with planes attacking overhead
Committing gross atrocities, four hundred thousand have been slain
Trump’s own attacks have killed civilians, women, children, all are dead
But this time Trump saw suffering that penetrated his numb brain
I have no doubts that here at home he’ll boost his popularity
As far as good responses go, this limited response was best
The question is, what happens next among eventualities
And how will Russia now react; so goes this foreign crisis test
Meanwhile at home some changes made: Steve Bannon’s gone from NSC
And Nunes has recused himself from heading Russian inquiries
But now the focus of the news is on our act of war, it seems
And on the legal basis to attack the Syrian sovereignty