Putin’s Puppet Tillerson


Many of Trump’s entourage have basked in Putin’s gaze
Who’ve looked upon the Kremlin viewing everything as good
Who’ve taken money, who’ve colluded, singing Putin’s praise
But one stands out among the crowd, it must be understood

It’s Putin’s puppet, Tillerson, whom Putin told Trump choose
To be Sec. State, a perfect choice, from Putin’s point of view
Since State Department Putin hates for publicizing news
Of murders and corruptions, all for power, what he’ll do

Emasculate Department State is one of Putin’s aims
And weaken NATO and the EU, Putin views as threats
Rex Tillerson is just the guy who’ll play the Kremlin’s games
As partial payback for assisting Trump; this pays the debt

Rex Tillerson’s behavior as Sec State has been a laugh
He operates in secret, no reporters, no replies
Refuses interactions with the State Department staff
And asks them not to look at him, no contact with his eyes

There’ll be a NATO summit for the nations to attend
But Tillerson won’t be there, more important things to do
He’ll be instead in Russia drinking vodka with his friend
Receiving new instructions and reporting what is new

The news these days is all about the Russian interference
And collusion with the Trumpsters, generally about the past
Although we’ve need to know, it’s second ranking in importance
Compared to Tillerson whose future damage can be vast


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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