It’s Time to Pay


My daddy taught me years ago
That nothing’s got for nothing, ever
That’s something Trump most surely knows
Since he’s so awfully business clever

We know that Trump the candidate
Received from Russia much support
In what I’d label hacker-gate
We learned from FBI reports

So what might Putin’s payback be
Aside from trashing Clinton’s name?
To alter foreign policy
Allowing his aggression gains

Since Trump’s win chances really stank
The quo for quid not hard to craft:
Remove Ukraine’s supporting plank
From GOP’s last platform draft

When questioned, Trump said he knew naught
Nor cared, he, what the platform said
But Trump’s man, Gordon, said he got
Instructions from Trump: strike it dead

Steel’s dossier described this pact
With Putin during Trump’s campaign
Where Russia would the Demos hack
And Trump would not support Ukraine

Well, now that Trump is President
It seems that Putin still holds sway
It’s worked so well, why now relent?
Like Daddy said, it’s time to pay



In my last poem, it’s the FISA Court


I’m sitting listening to breakers on the beach
It’s difficult to concentrate on politics as such
My internet connection often puts news out of reach
My smatterings of data say the situation sucks

Trump signed in secret his new Muslim ban superfluous
All carefully reworded so to mask his true intent
The Muslim countries of the ban are most contemptuous
While ISSL terrorists rejoice, the ban was Allah sent

Trump still is claiming that Obama wire tapped Trump Tower
The FBI denies the claim as Trump’s imagination
And such an order’s not a part of Presidential power
But Trump requested Congress do a full investigation

Trump tweeted that he likes the latest health-care incarnation
Touted by the Speaker to replace Obamacare
Among his rank and file it hasn’t had a good reception
It’s hard to say if it has legs to take it anywhere

Kim Jong IL has launched some missiles as a provocation
Trump’s response I do applaud supplying South Korea
With anti-missile missiles to deter Kim from rash actions
‘Though China may object, Kim truly is a world pariah

Much more on Trump and Russia is revealed ‘most every day
Concerning Russian mafia to whom Trump is in debt
But that’s a subject for another poem, I would say
It’s time to walk the water’s edge and get my feet all wet


Wire Tap


Let’s be analytical probing Trump’s claim
That President, former, had ordered wire taps
Be placed in the tower that’s known by Trump’s name
Once tweeted by Trump, then to Trump it’s a fact

Four possibilities jump to my mind
The first is the simplest, it’s simply not true
He cited no proof, no device did he find
Some crackpot conspiracy came to his view

The second: deliberately making this up
To serve to divert all the Russia-Trump probes
Away from himself, claiming he’s not corrupt
All on Obama the focus should go

In two scenarios Trump is deemed true
The New York Trump Towers were bugged like he said
It could be Intelligence or some source new
Like maybe the Russians put bugs in his bed

But if it was FBI, that, then, would mean
A FISA warrant was issued before
Implying suspicions: the Trump-Russian scene
And also implying what’s known is much more

My choice is the second scenario stated
A tap that’s done well he would never detect
It could be conspiracies, too, were related
But Trump, his bad Press he just had to deflect




It won’t work, Jeff Sessions, you’re not under oath
When writing your answers in hope against hope
That people will buy that your memory lapsed
On talks with Ambassador Sergei months back

Why do you avoid being questioned once more
While sworn under oath just as you were before
Correcting the record and clearing your name?
Perhaps there is something of which you’re ashamed

And why doesn’t Chairman Chuck Grassley demand
That Sessions before his committee should stand
And state, under oath, truth to clear his good name?
Of what are they worried; why play, they, this game?

The cloud around Trump and his cohorts grows stark
Trump tweets false diversions; keeps us in the dark
Drip, drip every day there’s a new revelation
Another sensational Russian relation


Attorney General


Jeff, you blew it
And you knew it
Had to surface soon or late
That with Sergei
You did parley
Now you’ll have to face your fate

Your refusals
For recusals
All before the truth was out
Makes us wonder
In your blunder
Why recusal came about

It won’t hide that you
Have lied to
Congress ’bout September eighth
There’s no question
That your session
Is about to terminate


Trumple’s Bubble


Hurry, hurry sell your bonds
Buy up stocks while still you can
Now’s your chance ere it be gone
Join the Trumple bubble, man!
Trump will lavish lots of money
Infrastructure, taxes lower
Jobs will flow like milk and honey
His economy will flower

See Trump’s market climbing higher
There’s no stopping it in sight
Trump, the magi in his tower
Keeps his promises, sure, right

One thing’s known about stock bubbles
Built on flimsy expectations
When they burst, they steeply tumble
Like balloons in pierced deflation

Trump, who licensed out his name
Conned his workers, broke his word
Now as POTUS, he’s the same
Trusting Trump’s naive, absurd

So I caution all my friends
Ride the market while it’s hot
My guess it’s a three-month trend
In then out before it pops



My wife and I will be in Mexico for about eight days, so these poelitics may be a bit sporadic.

The President spoke presidential
In his speech that Congress heard
But what actions consequential
Might result from all his words?

Nothing there! But sounds okay

Lofty promises Trump made
As he did through his campaign
But the promises will fade
Policies are not Trump’s game

Bannon has the final say

For example, just tonight
Trump decried those murder nums.
Legislation Trump just signed
Permitted mental patients guns

Bannon’s nod to NRA

Obama-Care repeal, replace
Better, cheaper, greater choice
So far the Congress can’t erase
What’s there now. In that rejoice

Bannon’s not devised a way

Though Trump tonight was eloquent
What will tomorrow’s message be?
He Trump-ets like an elephant
But does the opposite, you see

He’s Bannon’s man at end of day
