Jared, a follower of the BLOG, suggested a speech by the new UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres (former Portuguese PM) on Holocaust remembrance. It was the inspiration for this poelitic.
A Semite is a person who’s descendants spoke Semitic:
Acadian, Phoenician, Arabic and Hebrew too
Derived from Shem, the son of Noah of the Flood horrific
But antisemitism speaks exclusively of Jews
Six thousand years we have survived attempts to wipe us out
We’ve been despised and criticized and blamed for things untrue
Enslaved, dispersed, expelled and hated centuries throughout
When un-suppressed we’ve thrived in fields permitted for the Jews
The holocaust of modern times, six million Jews were slain
And from their ashes Israel then struggled to existence
World Jewry vowed the Holocaust would happen not again
Wherever prejudice arose we’d meet it with resistance
Here in the USA, of late, the Jews are not reviled
In science, arts and business we have ranked among the best
We’re also strong politically on both sides of the isle
But now that Trump is President, ’twill be another test
Supporting Trump are those who view minorities with hate
And Trump’s subdued rejection only gives encouragement
To anti-Muslim, anti-Jewish acts throughout the States
And in the Western World on ethnic purity they’re bent
Steve King, and Bannon, David Duke and Breitbart’s publication
All xenophobic sociopaths who loath diversity
They think to be American is passed through blood relations
Instead it’s love of nation forged by great adversity
‘Though antisemitism’s ancient it”s alive today
It’s vital that we stop its spread, as fueled by trying times
Where Jews have been suppressed the nations end up in decay
We must oppose it actively; our future’s on the line