They say that tax reform is clearly on the docket next
Repeal, replace the ACA is ancient history now
The scuttlebutt in beltway land: Obama had it hexed
The GOP’s now ready to draft bills where they know how
Especially on tax reform, straightforward what they need
To simplify the code, remove the loopholes, make it flat
To lower corporate taxes to assuage the business greed
And to be sure the Enterprise receives its share of fat
Two fundamental schools of thought, how countries raise their dough
Tax income or consumption, which is less and which is more
Unlike most Western countries our consumption tax is low
Our progressive tax on income’s where the rich pay for the poor
Reducing business income tax encourages their growth
Producing more employment, so Republicans would say
And makes them more competitive abroad as well as home
It didn’t work for Reagan and it still won’t work today
Increasing income tax has been a no, no many years
However, Trump plans to impose a border tax on goods
From Mexico and other trading partners we hold dear
Consumption taxes raise all prices, be it understood
Compared to health-care legislation, tax law is a mess
Each loop-hole has its lobbyists who will not stomach change
Republicans do not agree which way would be the best
That Democrats would get on board, would certainly be strange
With Trump and Ryan weakened by their crippling defeat
With powerful stakeholders and tax-law complexities
I doubt if much significant this effort will complete
But Trump will see some law is passed and claim a victory