After Disaster


A Trumpcare defeat wasn’t hard to foretell
Aside from the grass roots resistance it gained
Stakeholders against it, poor staffing as well
Plus miserable marketing, often hair-brained

A loss of Trump’s first legislative initiative
Damages more than does simple defeat
Implied inability to win, it’s indicative –
Trump’s prime agenda near dead at his feet

We’ll see these same attributes each time around
Overhyped messaging, how great the bill
Naive incompetence, logic unsound
And rush, rush to bring it to vote on the Hill

If Trump felt that health care was awfully complex,
Just wait ’till he reckons with income-tax law
Admins of the past had all promised their best
But only we’re able to mend minor flaws

The Trump market rally revealed expectations
Of tax cuts and jobs that Team Trump will deliver
Now, after disaster, we’ll see the reaction,
We’ll see if there are any left, Trump believers


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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