

Devin Nunes, in his dumbness, sabotaged the group he chairs
That’s the House Intel Committee chaired, as well, by Adam Schiff
Devin said he got Intel stating Trumpees’ names were there
Incidentally popping up among some Intel probes of stuff

Devin ran to tell Paul Ryan, who appointed him the chair
Then to Trump and to reporters, shutting out his very team
Trump used this to justify as evidence his tweets weren’t bare
Even though their subject, time and place were off, it seemed

Schiff was livid, his committee’s independence was abridged
Historically bipartisan, this jeopardized its secret stuff
Nunes must resign, recuse, or of his chairmanship be stripped
By Speaker Ryan, even though, ’tis likely Ryan set this up

The questions: why now, why to bypass Schiff in such a rush
And why to run to Ryan and especially to Trump?
Trump’s the subject of investigation. Data should be hush
What might be the rationale behind this data dump?

I conjecture Ryan’s desperate, pushing through his health-care bill
He needs Trump to rally Tea-ers but Trump’s favor rating’s low
So to help Trump build esteem, requested Nunes search Intel;
There to locate anything connecting Trump with tapping phones

Paul’s crucial vote was on the morrow, got to broadcast this today
So Trump can claim some vindication of his stupid, lying tweets
All before the roll-call vote, which I don’t think will go his way
Meanwhile Nunes compromised himself and should resign, at least retreat


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

2 thoughts on “Vindication”

  1. I agree and glad you are feeling well enough to still write the blog. Keep improving so I can call you

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