It’s Time to Pay


My daddy taught me years ago
That nothing’s got for nothing, ever
That’s something Trump most surely knows
Since he’s so awfully business clever

We know that Trump the candidate
Received from Russia much support
In what I’d label hacker-gate
We learned from FBI reports

So what might Putin’s payback be
Aside from trashing Clinton’s name?
To alter foreign policy
Allowing his aggression gains

Since Trump’s win chances really stank
The quo for quid not hard to craft:
Remove Ukraine’s supporting plank
From GOP’s last platform draft

When questioned, Trump said he knew naught
Nor cared, he, what the platform said
But Trump’s man, Gordon, said he got
Instructions from Trump: strike it dead

Steel’s dossier described this pact
With Putin during Trump’s campaign
Where Russia would the Demos hack
And Trump would not support Ukraine

Well, now that Trump is President
It seems that Putin still holds sway
It’s worked so well, why now relent?
Like Daddy said, it’s time to pay


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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