Hurry, hurry sell your bonds
Buy up stocks while still you can
Now’s your chance ere it be gone
Join the Trumple bubble, man!
Trump will lavish lots of money
Infrastructure, taxes lower
Jobs will flow like milk and honey
His economy will flower
See Trump’s market climbing higher
There’s no stopping it in sight
Trump, the magi in his tower
Keeps his promises, sure, right
One thing’s known about stock bubbles
Built on flimsy expectations
When they burst, they steeply tumble
Like balloons in pierced deflation
Trump, who licensed out his name
Conned his workers, broke his word
Now as POTUS, he’s the same
Trusting Trump’s naive, absurd
So I caution all my friends
Ride the market while it’s hot
My guess it’s a three-month trend
In then out before it pops