Surprise, Surprise


Surprise, surprise the White House was the source of Nunes’ leaks
Three White-House Intel staffers found to be the ones involved
In combing through top secret files in search of those that speak
Of Russia and the Trump team, the Trump tweets to be absolved

These files were shown to Nunes to inform the President
‘Twas meant to be a mystery, the sourcing of these leaks
But Nunes, in naivety, revealed where he was sent
To fetch this new Intelligence to justify Trump’s tweets

My question: who would orchestrate a caper such as this?
Just who could order White-House staff to compromise themselves?
Who else but Bannon, CEO of all that goes amiss
Scandal piled on scandal, ever deeper that we delve

Revealed, also, amid the mist of these shenanigans
The White House seems to have guy who’s serving as their spy
His name is Cohen-Watnick, NSC, an inside man
The target of his efforts seems to be the FBI

I have a bigger question, Admin. scandals left and right
The family Trump, Trump’s Cabinet, the conflicts that we see
The lies, the fact-less tweets that Trump keeps posting every night
Amid this Gov. corruption just where is the GOP?


The Grand Scandal


The House Intel committee’s now effectively dysfunctional
It didn’t take long for the Trump to bring it tumbling down
Their open Hearing having Comey’s words which were sensational
Revealed they’re close to where Trump’s coverup is blown

Chairman Nunes had permitted things to get too far
Ranking Member Schiff implied of having really credible
Intelligence about collusion: Trump team with the Bear
Trump had to halt their functioning, avoiding outcomes terrible

It’s clear that Trump is guilty; of just what we may know never
Or else why go to these extremes to cover his connections
To have one branch of government destroy part of another
That, in itself, implies of scandal grandest in proportion


Tax Reform


They say that tax reform is clearly on the docket next
Repeal, replace the ACA is ancient history now
The scuttlebutt in beltway land: Obama had it hexed
The GOP’s now ready to draft bills where they know how

Especially on tax reform, straightforward what they need
To simplify the code, remove the loopholes, make it flat
To lower corporate taxes to assuage the business greed
And to be sure the Enterprise receives its share of fat

Two fundamental schools of thought, how countries raise their dough
Tax income or consumption, which is less and which is more
Unlike most Western countries our consumption tax is low
Our progressive tax on income’s where the rich pay for the poor

Reducing business income tax encourages their growth
Producing more employment, so Republicans would say
And makes them more competitive abroad as well as home
It didn’t work for Reagan and it still won’t work today

Increasing income tax has been a no, no many years
However, Trump plans to impose a border tax on goods
From Mexico and other trading partners we hold dear
Consumption taxes raise all prices, be it understood

Compared to health-care legislation, tax law is a mess
Each loop-hole has its lobbyists who will not stomach change
Republicans do not agree which way would be the best
That Democrats would get on board, would certainly be strange

With Trump and Ryan weakened by their crippling defeat
With powerful stakeholders and tax-law complexities
I doubt if much significant this effort will complete
But Trump will see some law is passed and claim a victory



I noticed that this poelitic did not come through in its Email version when I posted it  (3/17).  I believe that it is just as relevant today.


Credibility is difficult attaching to Trump’s words
When it comes to Trump pronouncements, what he claims
Sensibilities are damaged just digesting comments heard
When they’re proven false, Trump indicates elsewhere to take the blame

Trump, con artist, conned supporters out there on the stump
With his budget plan, denuding programs his supporters need
While millions lose their health insurance under Health by Trump
A con man tells you what you want, but comes up short on deeds

Security’s my chief concern; what Trump will do or say
When tested by belligerents who’ve labeled Trump as weak?
Who, then, will trust responses Trump proposes as the way
To counter the aggression? It’s a situation bleak


After Disaster


A Trumpcare defeat wasn’t hard to foretell
Aside from the grass roots resistance it gained
Stakeholders against it, poor staffing as well
Plus miserable marketing, often hair-brained

A loss of Trump’s first legislative initiative
Damages more than does simple defeat
Implied inability to win, it’s indicative –
Trump’s prime agenda near dead at his feet

We’ll see these same attributes each time around
Overhyped messaging, how great the bill
Naive incompetence, logic unsound
And rush, rush to bring it to vote on the Hill

If Trump felt that health care was awfully complex,
Just wait ’till he reckons with income-tax law
Admins of the past had all promised their best
But only we’re able to mend minor flaws

The Trump market rally revealed expectations
Of tax cuts and jobs that Team Trump will deliver
Now, after disaster, we’ll see the reaction,
We’ll see if there are any left, Trump believers


Strange Machinations

Names: Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House; Devin Nunes [NEWness], Chairman, House Intelligence Committee

Strange Machinations

Strange machinations ’round Devin and Paul
Also ‘tween Nunes and President Trump
The President’s man since their days on the stump
I’m seeing some patterns, reviewing it all

There’s the relation ‘tween Trump and Paul Ryan
Mutual dependency, politically
Wary each one of the other, they be
Each needs the other or bills would lie dying

Devin is Chair of the House Oversight
Committee to do with all matter of Intel
The group is bipartisan, secret as well
Ryan appointed Dev, gave him the right

Dev’s Intel has probes into Trumpish connections
Collusions with Russia throughout the campaign,
Through the transition and even Trump’s reign
An odor of treason pervades this election

Who sits in the midst of this controversy?
Devin, himself, steeped in conflicts, no end
To honor his loyalty to his great friend
To honor his organizational creed

What role plays the Speaker, Paul Ryan, in this?
He must know what’s happening; this is his House
But Paul seems oblivious; more like a mouse
The title of Squeaker should really be his

We’re watching soap opera, just holding our breath
Quixotic behaviors, and new revelations
Spiraling downward with no indication
Of when this is over, just what will be left


Cactus Roots


Cactus roots is what I call you, you’re too prickly to be grass
You just vanquished Ryan’s baby, taking Trump along the way
Known as Trumpcare, source of focus for those town halls kicking ass
O’er the past two months protesting, victory you won today

Oh, I know that it’s not over. Trump demanded that they win
Success so far’s alluded Trump in everything he’s tried to do
Now his mood is desperation. All the walls are caving in
If he doesn’t win tomorrow, flush his Trumpcare down the tubes!

This demonstrates what we’ve suspected. Trump cares little ’bout the bill
Trump is in it just to win it. He knows nothing what it says
Just put before him any content, doesn’t matter, sign, he will
But I do doubt that that will happen. This bill on back burners stays




Devin Nunes, in his dumbness, sabotaged the group he chairs
That’s the House Intel Committee chaired, as well, by Adam Schiff
Devin said he got Intel stating Trumpees’ names were there
Incidentally popping up among some Intel probes of stuff

Devin ran to tell Paul Ryan, who appointed him the chair
Then to Trump and to reporters, shutting out his very team
Trump used this to justify as evidence his tweets weren’t bare
Even though their subject, time and place were off, it seemed

Schiff was livid, his committee’s independence was abridged
Historically bipartisan, this jeopardized its secret stuff
Nunes must resign, recuse, or of his chairmanship be stripped
By Speaker Ryan, even though, ’tis likely Ryan set this up

The questions: why now, why to bypass Schiff in such a rush
And why to run to Ryan and especially to Trump?
Trump’s the subject of investigation. Data should be hush
What might be the rationale behind this data dump?

I conjecture Ryan’s desperate, pushing through his health-care bill
He needs Trump to rally Tea-ers but Trump’s favor rating’s low
So to help Trump build esteem, requested Nunes search Intel;
There to locate anything connecting Trump with tapping phones

Paul’s crucial vote was on the morrow, got to broadcast this today
So Trump can claim some vindication of his stupid, lying tweets
All before the roll-call vote, which I don’t think will go his way
Meanwhile Nunes compromised himself and should resign, at least retreat




My model year is 1933.
They’re put together differently these days
The models made today appear to run and run and run
But don’t forget
Back then the parts, they didn’t last that long
Without some form of tuneup now and then

Well, you guessed it. Here I am
In one of. Tucson’s local tuneup shops

What will they do?
Well, first of all they’ll check my sparking timing
My spark plugs got a bit of crud by firing away
A bit too early and a bit too late
My radiator overheated some; they’ve got to clear all pipes
And flush the radiator, helping it take in more air
The battery needs a charge and then the belts they’ll tighten too
Sometimes on pressing on the breaks we weave and swerve a bit
They’ll have to pay attention to that too
Exhaust could use a muffler, but the dipstick’s doing fine

So I’ll not write much poelitics o’er the next few days
That doesn’t mean there ain’t much there to say
‘Bout POTUS, SCOTUS, FBI and more
All dark and deep as politics can be
And with this latest tuneup
I’ve got miles to go before I heap
