Conundrum is the Intel team deciding what to write
Of their top-secret, gathered facts to be Trump’s daily brief
Hand one, he is the President; all knowledge is his right
Without the facts decisions made could bring the nation grief
But if Trump is the subject of investigations hot
By FBI of Russian ties, which could him compromise
The question ’bout the President: to trust or trust him not
Becomes a real conundrum for the spy guys to decide
We nothing know of who, what, where of their investigations
We know that Trump’s election team had Soviet connections
Collusion, not yet proven, nor Trump’s own participation
But where there’s smoke there’s likely fire. We’ll learn from their inspections
I ask you, then, dear reader mine, what act would be your will
If you’re that Intel officer deciding what to brief
Of Intel, highly sensitive whose compromise would kill?
Please, on my blog do share your thoughts, what’s best in your belief?
Share with Pence?
Sabba Rabba, I think you ought
Give TWO pence for our thought
I’ll see you and raise you one
To Pence give the conundrum!