Dark Cloud


Thou protesteth too much Mr. President Trump
In your CPAC address you continued complaining
That reporters are fake-news purveyors who jump
At the writing of op-eds, all falsehoods containing

White House staff had instructed Intelligence chiefs
Off the record to contact reporters and say
That involvement by Russia should not be believed
With elections no connection, no matter, no way

Too, the chairs of Congressional Intel committees
Now conducting their own probes of this selfsame mess
We’re approached by the White House, and they both agreed
They would lie to reporters, of this they’ve confessed

So then why all this pressure from Trump and his goons
Vilifying the Press, compromising Intel
Not to mention those chairmen who dance to Trump’s tune?
Trump is desperate to hide what more probing will tell

It’s that Trump was colluding with Russia throughout
The elections last year, helping him to succeed
In a bargain with Putin reminiscent of Faust
Making Trump Putin’s puppet, an agreement of greed

Investigation impartial, independent a must
Neither Congress nor White House nor Justice take part
A commission whose findings the public can trust
The dark cloud over Trump, short of this, won’t depart


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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