Amendment Twenty Five

Even though reporting of the plan, discussed in this poelitic, has been all over the news today, the MSNBC  Rachel Maddow show today ( Feb. 20) presents the context and details of the plan better than others I have heard.  It should be available  on the MSNBC, Rachel Maddow web site.  It is also available in today’s edition of the Daily Kos.

The Press are People’s enemies; that is Trump’s latest cry
Don’t listen to a single word since all they do is lie
Note, that’s not just opinionists, it’s correspondents too
Trump’s anxious that we not believe of him the latest news

The latest revelation of the Times and of the Post
Of past releases citing Trump, it’s damaging the most
A plan devised by Trump’s lieutenants plus a Kremlin mafian
And, too, an oligarch, pro Russia, who’s Ukrainian

The plan, (back channeled), was delivered then to Mike Flynn’s desk
For him to show the President, he tried his level best
But Flynn was fired to keep him quiet; the plan scooped by the Times
Contained three steps, all Putin-esque, that leave the law behind

The plan would set the oligarch to lead the Ukraine state
Allowing, then, the Soviets to set Crimea’s fate
And lift the sanctions that have hurt the Sov’s economy
To payback Putin’s help for Trump’s electability

Mike Pence is seen as presidential as opposed to Trump
In not too long the Reps will see it’s time for them to dump
Erratic Trump in favor of Mike Pence, which they can do:
Amendment twenty five invoked will set the stage anew


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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