

The Democrats in Congress find themselves in a dilemma
To be or not to be responsive to the street
Where thousands gather daily politicking with their feet
Demanding firm RESISTANCE to Republican agendas

Whomever Trump proposes, turn him down; just say no
The same goes for Paul Ryan and McConnel; just say no
And also to Neil Gorsuch tagged for SCOTUS just say no
Treat Reps. the way they treated Dems. say no; just say no

But Democrats don’t deal that way, they vote in moderation
Considering each article of pending legislation
It matters not who sponsored it for joint negotiation
It only matters whether it will benefit the nation

The country is divided; half is red and half is blue
And neither’s of the mind to find a way to compromise
By furthering divisiveness democracy will die
What’s needed is real leadership and no ones there in view


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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