Ken Cliffer is my guest poet, tonight.
Diss stress!
Stress test for democracy
Would-be Trump autocracy
Can people so diverse resist
Reverse insidious perverse twist
Of facts with labels “false” and “fake”
Fakely falsely trust to break?
We would, we will, but can the door
Be shut to us who would seek more
Compassion, heart, and genuine
Support of people here within
A country freedom-loving so?
Instead would inflated ego
Drain the swamp and fill the brooks
To billionaires’ own pocketbooks?
Pay no attention past the screen
Chaos I call fine-tuned machine
Believe ME, not your lyin’ eyes
It’s just a fake-news press disguise
Of all the good; just see my crowd
To whom I can declare so loud
That I will fix the mess we’re in
Inherited from that bad Kenyan
Who founded ISIS, made jobs split
What’s CBC? Oh I love it
Set up a meeting, ‘cause you’re black
I’ll stop the crime and bring jobs back
Seal the border, build the wall
And send those back who’ll hurt us all
No Russian tells me what to do
Nor I, him, I love him too
They’d love it if his ship I’d blast
To kingdom-come so far so fast
But I am not irrational
I’m calm, I’m smart, sensational
I hate the hate coming at me
I’m so good, cannot you see?
Stop the presses, they’re the bad
Enemies of your interests – SAD!
All’s adversarial, win we must
To keep this country great and just
Free to stay in my hotels
Dump where you will, in lakes and wells
For we’ll then give you jobs galore
To give us what we want and more
C’MON! We all must wake and see
This stress test for democracy
Fight – help not only one faction
We all must work for all to win
For principles and liberty
With rules intact that keep us free
From perverse autocracy
For them and us and you and me
This is a test that we must pass
If we do not it’s a morass
Later stakes will be much higher
If we can even quench the fire
Let’s get to work, let’s pass THIS test,
So we can REMAIN great and the best.
© 2017 Ken Cliffer