Don Trump has promulgated many things
And promised others well beyond his reach
Directives he’s decreed, some out of synch
With laws sufficiently, him to impeach
But this is not about his stupid claims
That are achievable, like building walls
It’s things where there’s no way to gain his aims
His promises where he’ll most likely fail
One goal, a GDP of four percent
It’s been at two percent or less for years
Its largest factor’s what consumers spend
That spending is decreasing, it appears
Because the Boomers are retiring now
And spending less, conserving more their dough
Millennials can’t fill the gap no how
Until they reach peak spending, years to go
And cutting corporate taxes won’t grow jobs
Most growth of jobs is spurred by more demand
Demand requires more spending which has topped
Tax cuts just grow corp profits out of hand
Improving infrastructure, good the goal
But many years it takes from project start
To reach the day of digging the first hole
And will require those having special smarts
Some companies that make things may return
To relocate their plants back in the States
But then to be competitive, we’ll learn
With robots, will most workers be replaced
Entitlement repair, though doable
Politically for now is out of sight
Since demographics aren’t political
But that’s a poem for another night