Jerusalem, Jerusalem let’s have a dream together
A dream of peace on Jordan’s banks conceived to last forever
Where Israel and Palestine dwell side by side as brothers
Where neither contemplates behaviors meant to hurt the other
But how could such a dream be real, where enmity is rife
Where what one gains the other loses, as it is in life?
Then let’s put that aside for now and seek a new perspective
That specifies the goal we seek; a vision that’s reflective
My vision is two sovereign states where border walls are gone
Where citizens of either state can cross and go beyond
Where Jews can live in Palestine as citizens full fledged
As Arabs live in Israel with equal rights un-hedged
Both states would be democracies with legislative seats
Most preordained as Jewish or as Muslim so to keep
The Jewish state as Jewish and the Muslim state Islamic
Each branch of each state’s government would work the same dynamic
My vision for Jerusalem: it capitals both states
An un partitioned city: citizens of either faith
Are free to settle where they wish except for holy sites
Whose sovereignty remains in tact with all ensuing rights
My dream’s naive I do admit; the obstacles are many
And do I have a cogent plan? Indeed I haven’t any
But I’ll say this, negotiations, hard as are in doing
To be effective in the end, you must know where you’re going