

There’s much to write about tonight but first it now appears:
The former British spy named Steele, the one who did relate
On Trump in Russia, BuzFeed’s scoop, has up and disappeared.
I speculate that MI6 has moved him someplace safe

The FBI had told Trump ’bout this dossier that’s out there
They said they hadn’t verified if it was false or true
But Trump, in conference, told the Press the FBI was clear:
It totally was false; but then Trump lying’s nothing new

I must admit I was impressed with Senate Dems last night
Proposing their amendments to the GOP’s first Measure
Toward terminating ACA, ObamaCare, that’s right,
Which made their members vote against each clause that voters treasure

They also broke the Senate rules when time it was to vote
Which meant debating had to cease, just saying yea or nay
By then, past one AM, the Dems loud orally each spoke
To dedicate his nay vote to those harmed sans ACA


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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