

It’s true that campaign promises that politicians make
Are mostly of the category labeled: “news that’s fake”
Be that as may, supporters do expect their man to act
On promises that they had made, to transform them to facts

So let’s examine where Trump stands on promises he voiced
“We’ll build a wall!”, he shouted while his followers rejoiced
“To keep those raping Mexicans from pouring ‘cross our border!”
“And Mexico will pay for it; its back to law and order!”

Republicans are working up a bill: the wall to build
But net flow now is negative, so who’s the wall to shield?
Who’s paying? You and I! But Mexico will later pay
Fool us once, don’t fool us twice, we’ll never see that day

Trump’s cutting taxes drastically to increase work employment
It’s trickle down which only helps the rich for more enjoyment
But stocks have soared on promises that won’t come to fruition
It’s middle-class demand that drives economy’s positions

One promise made, Trump might succeed, to fund more infrastructure
A trillion dollars o’er ten years, that seems to be the picture
Which averages some fifty billion added yearly, say,
And that’s about one fifth of what is spent on it today

Obama Care, repeal it, yes, replace it, there’s much doubt
On Social Sec and Medicare, no change, the jury’s out
On immigration, banning Muslims, he’ll disclaim he said it
Deporting all undocumented, he’ll, perhaps, forget it

No matter how things do turn out, the truth he’ll always edit
To make it look most positive so he can take the credit


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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