

Pres. Obama may be a great President
His approval high ratings are evident
But it’s my observation
That regarding one nation
His inaction, masses dying is consequent

The country I’m referring to is Syria
When Assad’s lethal gassing caused hysteria
He had crossed the red line
That Obama defined
As his use-of-our-forces criteria

‘Though Obama stopped the gassing by diplomacy
Rebel forces then suffered some despondency
They were promised support
Of a physical sort
And we’re stunned by Obama’s inconsistency

Realizing he could act with impunity
Putin bombed rebel forces incessantly
Now Aleppo’s defeated
Rubblized and depleted
Its inhabitants facing calamity



Newsweek featured an article about Trumps overseas business interests and their associated conflicts.  It definitely is worth reading.  These limericks are a fun break from a pretty heavy last few days.

There is now a new President Elect
Who for progress has little respect
Nominating to chair
Agencies with no care
Ones whose Agency’s views they reject

Donald Trump soon will be President
In the White House he’ll be resident
But he’ll spend most his hours
Back in New York’s Trump Towers
Where his preferences are evident

Trump has much of his holdings o’er seas
Many conflicts of interest in these
Violating with cause
The emoluments clause
And exposure to blackmail with ease

Limericks such as these are much fun
Knowing not where they’ll end when begun
So, my challenge to you
Write a limerick new
About Trump and submit it when done


The Morning Brief


This planet turns and twists in diverse ways
Each second there’s a new world under skies
Changes by the trillions every day –
Then, which are deemed important, too, and why?

Assessments such as these require much work
By many thousands all around the globe
Analyses to ferret out the quirks
Of subtle hints requiring further probes

Results each day are boiled down to few
The most significant for Presidents to see
To set the context for each day anew
For him to choose ones for activities

Our agencies that do intelligence
As trained professionals, work day and night
Some risk their lives to gather evidence
For facts in morning briefings to be right

When Trump decides to skip the morning brief
And claims they’re too redundant, he’s so smart,
He undermines our safety and brings grief
To those whose work he spurns, who’ve done their part

Trump’s attitude so cavalier might be
He can’t recall the details of the brief
From day to day they sound identically
And bore our future idiot-in-chief


Trump Haiku, The Wizard of Con

Trump Haiku

I’M so very smart!
Who needs Intelligence?
They should consult ME

The Wizard of Con

In campaign addresses Trump claimed that he favors
The strong, noble worker who earns by his labor
And even in rallies now post the election
He shouts “Hire American”, gaining affection

But meanwhile his businesses aren’t hiring locals
Most come from abroad as green-card holding yokels
Who under bid citizens, taking low wages
The Trump is a con wizard, best of such “sages”

Trump claimed he’s the savior of working-class people
They voted for him thinking that he’d be truthful
Trump’s Cabinet choices are generals and billionaires
What do they know about working-class people’s cares?

On Social Security and Medicare
On climate control and on Obama Care
On minimum wages and feminine rights
Finance regulations and consumer rights

Trump’s crop of appointees are down on them all
The working class, seeing this, should be appalled
The future’s not knowable, time takes its course
But were I a worker, it’s buyer’s remorse!


Upside Down


Many the sources of un-factual news
Conspiracy theorist wax woefully wrong
Some News commentators spread rumors along
While foul politicians claim lies in their spews

Some live in an un-factual world of their own
They listen to only what they want to hear
Conversing when mutual agreement is clear
By tweets and retweets on their smart pads and phones

New polls that were publicized by PPP
Compared the beliefs among voters in terms
Of whom they had voted for, whom did they spurn
Supporters of Trump were unique, you will see

Statistically others’ beliefs matched the news
But Trumpees were opposite in what they thought
Trump’s propaganda they surely have bought
They live in a world of upside down views

Over the Obama Presidency
Stock markets had risen but they think it fell
They think that employment diminished as well
And millions had cast their votes illegally

From forty to sixty percent held these views
As well, many other beliefs they got wrong
We vote our beliefs, our beliefs we hold strong
It matters that people believe the fake news




November first I wrote on “Putin’s Bears”
How Russia intervened in our election
(Based on Malcolm Nance’s written fears)
Specifically to favor Trump’s selection

Tonight a CIA report was leaked
And published in the Post from Washington
That verified what Nance’s words did speak
Revealing, too, acts un-American

The gang of seven, leaders on the Hill
Back in September learned this secret news
Obama pushed to make it public, still
Republicans were “doubtful” it was true

Don’t doubt that if ’twas Hillary not Trump
Whom Russia favored with their meddling
Republicans would literally jump
To buy that leaks were Russian pedalings

It goes against the Nation’s sanctity
For politicians clearly just for gain
To sanction foreign nation’s piracy
Behavior truly un-American


The Right Stuff


I’m old enough; I’ve witnessed on TV
Some great events that earmark where and when,
And push the envelope of what we can achieve:
First US man in space, his name, John Glenn

20 February, 62
John sat atop a rocket blasting off
The people held their breath until the news
That Glenn was safely back from space aloft

Today, age 95, John passed away
His legacy of good and brave and tough
Is one to teach our kids to emulate
Farewell to John, the man who had “right stuff”


What Will Our Grandkids Say?


I daily read and listen to the news
A lot of things do fill my thoughts with dread
Like candidates for posts whereof their views
Are counter to the agencies they’d head

But there’s one Trump appointment that stands out
It promises an existential threat
Not just to us but to the world throughout
And many generations unborn yet

Trump’s man, Scott Pruitt, picked, for what it’s worth,
To head the EPA, the agency
That works to slow the warming of the Earth
A man whose views are opposite, you see

This message to all Senators, I send
Reject Trump’s choice to run the EPA
Good life on Earth may on this choice depend
When they look back what will our grandkids say?




Hey hey Mr. President Elect
You want us to give you respect
When your words are so suspect?

Hey hey Mr. President to be
When advisors spread conspiracies
As truth, and you don’t see?

Hey hey Mr. President so new
That your businesses you pursue
In office sans conflict, true?

Hey hey Mr. President Elect
If this is what we can expect,
Disaster may be the effect


Twenty Twenty

Twenty Twenty

Twenty twenty vision bright
Next election now in sight
Someone known has tossed his hat
Someone who knows where he’s at
It’s not someone who’ll be hiding
Yes, you guessed it; he’s Joe Biden

Democrats do need a plan
One that can unite the clan
Bring together left and right
Help the helpless in their plight
Stand against Trump’s stupid stands
Is Joe Biden the right man?

Twenty twenty vision bright
Is there daylight after night?
