Out of Victory’s Jaws


As I understand it from news on the street
The status of ISIS’s hold in Iraq
Is surely diminishing, nearing defeat
The Kurds and Iraqis are winning land back

In order to mask their defeats on the ground
And, too, to attract more recruits to their ranks
They’re fomenting terror the world all around
Desperately trying to shore up their ranks

They haven’t succeeded so far, so it seems
Desertion is rampant, recruits dwindling down
Now enter Trump’s people with dominance dreams
Trump’s “landslide” based mandate precedes him in town

Their bombastic rhetoric sullies the faith
Of billions of Muslims wherever they live
Among Muslim allies they’re fomenting hate
Against us in spite of protections we give

To ISIS this circumstance couldn’t be better:
With Christians crusading, all Muslims must stand
Unite under ISIS with forces unfettered
To conquer the Christians throughout every land

Trump’s blundering actions will alter the course
Of ISIS defeat there in Northern Iraq
New recruits will flood in, leaving us but remorse
For the lives lost to ISIS, all due to Trump’s acts


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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