Divest? Hell No


Apparently Trump has decided to tell
The public of what his plan’s been all along
That he’ll not divest of his holdings at all
In spite of his earlier claims, which were wrong
And all of his conflicts of interest as well

Senator Warren submitted a bill
Requiring divestiture by Presidents
Of realty properties so to forestall
Untoward appearances so evident
As conflicts of interest as clearly Trump’s will

When Trump, the emoluments clause violates
Since, now it is certain he surely will do
By not having sold off his holdings at all
He would be impeachable. I’m of the view
Trump acts like he’s regent of these Trumple States

But would the Republicans pass Warren’s measure
And would they impeach Trump for clear violations
Or will they allow him to run with it all
To build his own profits while running the nation
Against Constitutional laws that we treasure


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

One thought on “Divest? Hell No”

  1. There is no end to Trump skirting laws or precedents. His team of lawyers are looking for a way to circumvent nepotism laws. His adviser Kellyanne Conway says: “The anti-nepotism law has an exception … and if that is true and that legal advice holds, that will open up a realm of possibilities…”
    The exception they believe is that the President has the right to pick his White House staff. Interesting reinterpretation of the law.

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