I wonder how FBI Comey is feeling
Now that his blunders have shaken the world
There’s clear evidence that his words unappealing
Caused more undecideds to give Trump a whirl
Trump promised he’d really shake Washington up
His lack of discretion, refusing the views
Of Cabinet experts, this blundering pup
Has Washington people all shaking in shoes
It’s strange how a thoughtless mistake by one guy
Can reap repercussions that change history’s course
Trump’s blunders could bring wars where millions could die
Great storms can be traced to a butterfly source
I had had and expressed to others the same thought that the difference in who won could have been due to any (or all) of many butterfly flaps that could have just as easily gone another way, given the very small differences in key results. Particularly maddening is that a number of disingenuous tactics added up to get Trump over the tr-hump — t-harumph.
Thanks for your thoughts, Ken