Consider the battle in Mosul, Iraq
The Kurds and Iraqis are joined in the fight
They’re both fighting ISIL to take Mosul back
They each have agendas when end is in sight
To Kurds, independence has long been their goal
A Kurdistan country including Kirkuk
Iraq doesn’t buy it; ‘though liking Kurd’s role
And Turkey opposed it in actions they took
On freeing Iraq, troops will move on to Syria
Russia is bombing Assad’s enemies
Including Aleppo creating hysteria
Aiming to target civilians, it seems
The US is backing the rid-Assad rebels
While Russia is backing the pro-Assad men
All of them fighting to oust ISIL devils
Their enemy’s enemy isn’t their friend
Into this cauldron comes blundering Trump
Along with advisor, Islam hater, Lynn
While Russian aggression’s poised upward to jump –
And this is just part of the pickle we’re in …
But pickles taste good. This doesn’t.
So does jam