World War Three?


Don Trump is known to have a short attention span
He’s also known to have no closely held beliefs
Let’s add to these: he’s swayed by whom he’s last to hear
It’s Lynn and Bannon who’ll be whispering his ear
They’re the ones who’ll be the closest to the Chief
Controlling access and advising all they can

So what might be expected from these men, hell bent?
As such, what actions might they cause, then, to transpire?
Though Bannon being racist, bigot not withstanding
His infrastructure bill may have good chances standing
Well with Dems and certain Reps who’d it require
To pass it over classical Republican dissent

Flynn’s influence does worry me the most, you see
Security Advisor to the President, his role
His ties to Russia and to Turkey not withstanding
All coupled with his noted lack of understanding
Of how Iran’s Agreement is achieving goals
To cancel it could pave the way to World War Three


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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