This is Trump-day number five
Trump decisions underway
Making me feel hope deprived
‘Bout Trump’s choices made today
Meet Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon:
Reince, a light weight, seldom heeded
Steve’s a heavy, no loose cannon
Neither has experience needed
Bannon will be Trump’s adviser
Known for his strong alt-right views:
Immigration? a despiser
Ban the Muslims, hate the Jews
Priebus will be Chief of Staff
Of his insights, how things work,
Rience’s knowledge is a laugh!
Oh, the pitfalls, where they lurk
This may be our situation:
A know-nothing President
Governing this woeful nation
With a novice cabinet
Really, when Trump needs advice
Who’ll he turn to when he must?
Neither Bannon nor Reince Priebus
Just his kids does Donald trust