Republican “homers” I’m loathe to observe
Are those whose allegiances back and forth roam
They’re voting for Donald and then they reverse
Then later reverse again “coming back home”
One wonders what rationale sanctions these moves
It’s clearly not fitness to be President
They learned early on lack thereof to be true
So what’s lying there ‘neath their skull resident?
It’s simple: self interest became their end all
They choose, if it’s safe or not voting for him
Based only on polls, did they rise did they fall
Ignoring the consequence should Donald win
The Donald’s a con man; it’s deep in his brain
Two archetypes exist to him outside himself
His gullible base whom he largely disdains
For buying his rhetoric, since he has wealth
And those who oppose him, the other archetype
Are evil and ignorant, worthy of hate
To be taken down both by insult and hype
Republican ‘homers’ will suffer both fates