

Trump ‘s gaudy parade of proposed candidates
For senior positions in his Cabinet
Except for a few who’re at least second rate
They appear to be choices he’ll come to regret

They oft have opinions that don’t square with Trump
And little real knowledge concerning their post
Or records to cause them the Senate to dump
They’re hardly the people ’bout whom we would boast

Trump seems to be running Apprentice writ big
A TV performance where he’s number one
He’s capturing cameras, which he really digs
It hardly bodes well for the Country he’ll run


A True-ism


My mother, of memory blessed, used to say
A true-ism pertinent more so today
“The longer you lived with your dirt”, we were told
“The cleaner it looked”, truly wisdom of old

In politics this is called normalization
Positions once worthy of our condemnation
When brought to the table by those holding power
Become more legitimate, seeming to flower

But dirt is still dirty no matter it’s place
The Press has a duty reporting each case
Not to be “neutral” or “fair” to both sides
Rather telling the facts, letting TRUTH be their guide


The United States of Russia


I find it concerning there’s no hue and cry
From the Republican probe-happy House
You’d think they’d be saddling up horses high
Instead they’re behaving as though they’re a mouse

Our most adversarial non-enemy
That wants to regain international clout
Hijacked our election with impunity
Affecting the outcome, there is little doubt

So now Putin’s puppet will be President
And gleeful Republicans owe Putin thanks
These actions by Russia are now precedent
Rep. silence is deafening throughout their ranks


The Grandmothers


I read that the Grandmothers called Trump a “bom”
Like many a would-be dictator on Earth
A boy-man, self centered for all that he’s worth
Who never matured past his time with his mom

They said this portends a new difficult age
An age of retraction, an age of despair
With each for his own, but beyond – little care;
That civilization must pass through this stage

They’re known for far seeing, this spiritual group
They’re known for their wisdom, the things they suggest
Be active, join others in meeting this test
And always be vigilant not to be duped

I’m neither a prophet nor am I one’s son
However, I recognize truths that I see
The Grandmothers’ dictums in their recipe
Are truly the way that this battle is won




I’ve written many adjectives
Some less than complementary
Not always purely objective
For reasons elementary
And sometimes most irrational
Opinions quite implacable
And even times sensational
But not, for me, retractable
Concerning Donald Trump

But now that he’ll be President
Decisions quite inimical
That could be setting precedents
Which purely are political
And really controvertible,
They’re simply not ignorable,
The label most applicable
Is now the word, deplorable
Applied to Donald Trump




Just don’t be taken in by little signs
That cause you to conclude that things are fine
That things are normal; don’t, by these be fooled.
It’s Marsha Gessen’s “Autocratic Rule”

We’ve seen retreats from pledges that Trump rues
Obama Care and “lock her up” – a few
Trump’s infrastructure plan is just a sham
It won’t create new jobs nor fix our dams

Emoluments from foreign companies
Our Constitution does prohibit these
As President he, Trump, will do what’s best
Those cannot be conflicts of interest

Already Trump in his activities
Has monetized his office soon to be
As Marsha Gessen’s stern admonishment –
We must remain forever vigilant



It’s natural, election years, to breed divisiveness
We concentrate on differences as though they matter most
Thanksgiving is a holiday about inclusiveness
A day of gratitude and gathering to eat the turkey roast

We’re thankful for our freedoms, free to choose our way of life
We’re thankful for elections, how the people have their say
We’re thankful post-election that we’re not embroiled in strife
We’re thankful too to each of you who’re in it come what may

We thank the Lord above for loving friends and family
And for the acts of kindness that we witness every day
But in our joy we’re mindful of the world’s calamities
And our responsibilities to help, each in our way




Trump’s epidermis, tissue thin
Incensed by “Trump” on SNL
And by the cast of Hamilton
Who asked Mike Pence to govern well

Last weekend, sort of a parade
Of would-be candidates for Plums
Smiling, bowing, all charade
Each hoping for a Trump up-thumb

Trump’s foreign empire bodes not well
All one eleven companies
In eighteen countries. He must sell.
He can’t accept gratuities

Right there in Washington, the swamps
The White Supremacists convened
A conference heilling Trump, their champ
But Donald didn’t intervene

Congressional Republicans
Are drooling over cuts they’ll make
On all Obama’s hard won plans
And regulations, all at stake

The President Elect produced
A kafkaesque-ish video
Describing programs he will boost
A far cry from a month ago




Consider the battle in Mosul, Iraq
The Kurds and Iraqis are joined in the fight
They’re both fighting ISIL to take Mosul back
They each have agendas when end is in sight

To Kurds, independence has long been their goal
A Kurdistan country including Kirkuk
Iraq doesn’t buy it; ‘though liking Kurd’s role
And Turkey opposed it in actions they took

On freeing Iraq, troops will move on to Syria
Russia is bombing Assad’s enemies
Including Aleppo creating hysteria
Aiming to target civilians, it seems

The US is backing the rid-Assad rebels
While Russia is backing the pro-Assad men
All of them fighting to oust ISIL devils
Their enemy’s enemy isn’t their friend

Into this cauldron comes blundering Trump
Along with advisor, Islam hater, Lynn
While Russian aggression’s poised upward to jump –
And this is just part of the pickle we’re in …


World War Three?


Don Trump is known to have a short attention span
He’s also known to have no closely held beliefs
Let’s add to these: he’s swayed by whom he’s last to hear
It’s Lynn and Bannon who’ll be whispering his ear
They’re the ones who’ll be the closest to the Chief
Controlling access and advising all they can

So what might be expected from these men, hell bent?
As such, what actions might they cause, then, to transpire?
Though Bannon being racist, bigot not withstanding
His infrastructure bill may have good chances standing
Well with Dems and certain Reps who’d it require
To pass it over classical Republican dissent

Flynn’s influence does worry me the most, you see
Security Advisor to the President, his role
His ties to Russia and to Turkey not withstanding
All coupled with his noted lack of understanding
Of how Iran’s Agreement is achieving goals
To cancel it could pave the way to World War Three
