
An article by Fareed Zakaria in Newsmax, 10/17/16, inspired this poelitic.

What, post-election, will the Party be?
What, after Trump, will be the GOP
It won’t be Grand, or Old; it may be done
Replaced by loyalist Trumpublicans

Trump’s toxic message to his rabble crowd:
“Election’s rigged!” He’ll shout out clear and loud
“The media lies! It should have gone my way!”
When Clinton tramples Trump Election Day

And on that day Trumpublicans will join
Together, the election to purloin
They’ll protest, forming an insurgency
They’ll claim that Trump is President to Be

Trumpublicans, true populists they’ll be
Protectionists: this Country first and free
They’ll do their damndest to stop Hillary’s
Destruction of their way of life you see

It’s pretty clear that Hillary will win
And Democrats in numbers will get in
But what Trump started won’t just fade away
Trumpublicans, a while, are here to stay




It’s clear to me
From what I hear and see
That Trumple is a man obsessed with Hillary

He can’t let go
His nutty tweets all show
There’s nothing other on his mind, but Hillary

What ever’s wrong
In short term or in long
Trump always lays the blame for it on Hillary

He flaps and flails
When polling shows he’ll fail
His psyche seems to be possessed by Hillary

His backers know
That he’s their only show
They know that they won’t have their way with Hillary

And when she wins
His psyche might cave in
And Trump will claim the outcome rigged by Hillary



The magazine, Time, pictured Trump melted down
Recovery’s not in the offing, it’s clear
Now labeled predator, no longer clown
Nor other labels he’s earned o’er the years

Interesting isn’t it, up until now
Republican backers ignored attributes
Like con man and racist and bigot; some how
Those traits they could tolerate absent dispute

But now that he’s seen as a sex predator
They’d risk their own base by supporting him still
What took you so long, Congressman / Senator?
It’s your fate, you’re too late, your career you’ve just killed


This Country to Heal


A comment by one of the Hillary staff
Got my attention since I don’t agree
Reading it lightly it first made me laugh
It then gave me pause for new insights to see

She said that Trump doesn’t belong on the stage
Together with Clinton, since he is so down
He’s such an embarrassment causing outrage
And Clinton deserves an opponent, not clown

As you know by now Trump supporter I’m not
But he’s changed the landscape of real politics
Awakening millions who’ve felt so left out
By speaking their language and promising tricks

We know Trump’s a con man and not a true giver
But to his supporters their yearnings are real
So Clinton as President needs to deliver
For all of the people, this country to heal




The Kampuchea killing fields we toured today
And the S-21 torture prison s well
These colored my mood for the news of the day
Which I read when the internet works for a spell

All the headlines were Trumplines, his boasting, his threats
His minutiae of misdeeds the Press favors lots
It got me to wondering, causing some frets
Just what is the distance from Trump to Pol Pot?

One attribute’s common to both from the start
And that’s paranoia; the threat’s everywhere
But then I felt better; Pol Pot was quite smart
And Pol Pot was evil; Don Trump isn’t there


Dueling Shadows

The posting is a bit late; this was my first opportunity.  As I posted earlier, my postings will be spoadic while I’m in the Far East.

Something surreal about last night’s debate
Tim Kaine and Mike Pence facing off in their match
They’d lunge and they’d parry, repost, sometimes late
But neither on other had scored a true touch

Their shadow opponents weren’t under this roof
And these were their surrogates fencing away
Mike Pence scored on style; Tim Kaine scored on truth
But little more’s known of them, end of the day

Truman and Johnson and Ford were VPs
Before being President. Veeps really matter
Their only debate should relate to  deeds
Instead of them fencing the other one’s shadow


Debate Number Two


Debate number two between Clinton and Trump
A rehash of what they’ve both said on the stump
Trump dodged every question no matter from whom
Still claiming the nation is all doom and gloom

And Hillary dodged a few questions as well
Regarding the handling of all her Emails
But most of her answers were cogent and clear
Ignoring Trump’s snide interruptions and smears

So what did we learn from debate Number Two?
As far as facts go we learned little that’s new
One thing was apparent, though, through the debate
Trump hasn’t the stuff to become head.of state


Reoublican Blind Eyes

Republican blind eyes are opening wide
Ears that were deaf are beginning to hear
GOP regulars switching their side
While Trumple die-harders are switching their side

Whenever we think Trumple’s lower than low
So disgusting he’s been, Trumple worse couldn’t be
Comes along a recording from some years ago
That reveals Trump’s depravity for all to see

I find it depressing to be witnessing
The death of the old GOP bit by bit
The tenets it stood for disintegrating
Being led by a man manifestly unfit


Kampuchea Blood Bath

Kampuchea, a country of peace and of beauty
We toured the two temples: Phnom Pros and Phnom Srey
But in Ugly Times Khmer Rouge had the duty
To kill people there every day after day

And how could this happen in modern-day life?
Where slaughter’s the path to political gain
Kampuchea was weakened by civil war strife
Khmer Rouge was the victor, Pol Pot at the reigns

Pol Pot (Salot Sar) promised greatness again
With backing from China his was the true path
Great death and destruction all during his reign
He murdered in millions, his five-year blood bath
