The bomb shell that landed was really a dud
Jim FBI Comey to Congress revealed
Some new information that should have stayed sealed
About Clinton’s Emails that’s now drawing blood
The FBI probing A. Weiner’s activities
Found Emails to Clinton on Huma’s computer
(Huma, estranged wife of Anthony Weiner,
Is Clinton’s assistant performing these duties)
So Comey’s revisiting Hillary’s case
Some thirty three thousand new Emails to search
‘Though both camps want info to strengthen their reach
Results will take months. That’s a fact we must face
So why am I saying this bomb will have died
Both Huma and Hillary, schooled in the rules
No way would they knowingly behave like fools
And traffic in documents marked classified
Yeah – I was flabbergasted (intentional “hyperbolic truth”) that the mainstream media so readily called this a “bombshell” when the Comey’s memo said nothing!