Dueling Shadows

The posting is a bit late; this was my first opportunity.  As I posted earlier, my postings will be spoadic while I’m in the Far East.

Something surreal about last night’s debate
Tim Kaine and Mike Pence facing off in their match
They’d lunge and they’d parry, repost, sometimes late
But neither on other had scored a true touch

Their shadow opponents weren’t under this roof
And these were their surrogates fencing away
Mike Pence scored on style; Tim Kaine scored on truth
But little more’s known of them, end of the day

Truman and Johnson and Ford were VPs
Before being President. Veeps really matter
Their only debate should relate to  deeds
Instead of them fencing the other one’s shadow


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

One thought on “Dueling Shadows”

  1. I like your point. Of course, Kane was the governor of my state so I already know about him and would not vote for anyone who supports Trump.

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