Ho Chi Minh

When I recollect all the wars of my youth
Those lasting impressions of good guys and bad
That we were the good guys was preordained truth
And bad were the ones in the war we then had

My touring Hanoi gave me insight anew
The man, Ho Chi Minh, I was schooled to dislike
Although he was with us in World War II
He then became enemy we had to fight

But in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh is revered
The great liberator from heavy French rule
A fatherly image, his visage endeared
The children join Ho Chi Minh clubs during school

The infamous prison that held John McCain
As dubbed Hanoi Hilton by our pilots there
Commemorates heroes all shackled in pain
Imprisoned by France, freedom fighters they were

We deeply learn prejudice while growing up
Informing our politics, whom we support
There’re held as convictions that keep showing up
My eyes are now wider, some, I can report


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

One thought on “Ho Chi Minh”

  1. Interesting thoughts. We are taught to judge and then need to unlearn judgment as we seek to gain wisdom.

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