

Let’s all take a breath and assess things more coolly
July’s FBI statement made by Jim Comey
Asserted some Emails in Hillary’s server
Were classified, stirring up hate-Clinton ferver

However, no Clinton intent was perceived
There’d be no indictment; to Clinton’s relief
This new situation will make little difference
And Comey’s new letter was wrong in it’s inference

The worst case is that they find classified mails
There’s still no intent so indictment would fail
And Comey knows this, which just raises suspicions
Of other agendas that shake our convictions

Be that as it may, Clinton still is ahead
Most voters that matter won’t be so misled
They see through shenanigans; give them some time
We’ll see Clinton’s poll numbers soon start to climb




‘Bout you my dear followers I have no doubts
One hundred percent I expect to turn out
My utmost concern is with family and friends
To take time to vote before voting will end

This latest announcement by Comey last night
Implying, unfounded, more problems in sight
With Hillary’s Emails without any basis
Has made this a tougher election she faces

That’s why I am sounding this clarion call
For you to contact your acquaintances all
And urge them on voting; it’s really important
Or else our Democracy soon could be dormant




The bomb shell that landed was really a dud
Jim FBI Comey to Congress revealed
Some new information that should have stayed sealed
About Clinton’s Emails that’s now drawing blood

The FBI probing A. Weiner’s activities
Found Emails to Clinton on Huma’s computer
(Huma, estranged wife of Anthony Weiner,
Is Clinton’s assistant performing these duties)

So Comey’s revisiting Hillary’s case
Some thirty three thousand new Emails to search
‘Though both camps want info to strengthen their reach
Results will take months. That’s a fact we must face

So why am I saying this bomb will have died
Both Huma and Hillary, schooled in the rules
No way would they knowingly behave like fools
And traffic in documents marked classified




A landslide it could be, be that as it may
That Clinton will conquer, but little the doubt
I’m nagged nine November, the end of the day
By what loser Donald’s next moves are about

He won’t admit losing; his base would diminish
Gross fraud at the polls, he is certain to claim
Pres. Clinton’s a fraud and he’ll fight to the finish
Destroying democracy will be his aim

A wise man observed an historical truth:
The Third Reich gained power post World War I
Not through great force but within voting booths
Democracy crippled so, weakly succumbed

Republicans, Democrats having true faith
In our democracy, that it survive
Rise past your differences; challenge Trump’s baits
And relegate Trumpism out of our lives




Where’s the Grand Old Party gone
Long time suffering
Where’s the GOP today
They’ve gone berserk
No Republicans remain
That have their heads on straight
When will they ever learn
When will they ever learn

There is talk of impeachment
I ‘m not kidding you
Hillary should be impeached
If she does win
Hillary they must obstruct
Her agenda to defeat
I n spite of having won
In spite of having won

Where’s the Grand Old Party gone
Long time fracturing
What’s the GOP become
Blocking what the people want
What they had voted for
This time they won’t succeed
This time they won’t succeed



Chris Mathews had VP Joe Biden on Hard Ball
Joe spoke of how Democrats now are elites
Ignoring the laborer’s plights. He recalls
When unions saved Democrats oft from defeat

Now labor is hurting like never before
Where imperfect trade deals have cost them their jobs
Trade deals that the Democrats have voted for
Displacing the worker, his dignity robbed

There’s no easy answer with World enterprise
Where globalization’s the root of World trade
As standards-of-living of states equalize
Our workers will suffer, their future un made

Our trade deals are needed for us to compete
Without them we’d suffer prolonged tariff wars
Commercial preeminence it would defeat
And likely propel us toward world war

Technology’s hyper advance is the core
Of globalization and worker production
It’s clear, that the future will witness much more
As robots take over most all labor functions

So we must be cognizant, must be prepared
To ready our work force for what lies ahead
To school them technologies, keep them aware
Of change as it happens, maintaining their lead


Thirty One


An interesting number gained prominent space
The Huffington Post published it: thirty one
Thirty one voter-frauds, fully proven, each case
Out of a billion votes all said and done

But Trump is predicting fraud massive throughout
The system is rigged and the polls are all wrong
It’s how he explains what will soon be a rout
Since sans this corruption he’d win clear and strong

This posture portends post-election results
That Trump will not cede Clinton’s clear victory
Prompting his followers then to revolt
And questioning Clinton’s legitimacy

A E Smith Foundation Dinner


There at the dinner the Cardinal they flanked
Trump on his left side and Clinton his right
The seating arrangement was maybe a prank
With Clinton the right of Trump, rare is that sight

Humor was called for, mild self deprecation
Which Clinton accomplished in keeping and tune
But Trump’s joke: Melania’s plagiarization
It seems he had plagiarized from a cartoon

Trump dug his hole deeper with Clinton attacks
Which prompted the gentry attending the dinner
To boo his pronouncements, the humor they lacked
Clinton’s performance was clearly the winner

But Clinton said something I ponder, as such
That people are judged not by things they have built
But by all of the people their actions have touched
I would add: some things built many lives will have felt


The Third Debate


Hillary fiddled while Donald Trump burned
De-baiting him over, above and below
He started off smoothly but she made him turn
Back to the Trumple Dee we’ve come to know

She hit him with Putin and puppet and horse
Provoked “nasty lady” and “liar” and “jail”
His temper she triggered; she stayed cool, of course
Realizing his bid for the White House would fail

But Trump blew his chances, if any were there
By flaunting election tradition we cherish
The peaceful transition of power; beware!
Without it democracy soon, here would perish


Four Weeks


Four weeks ’till elections
Some folks voting early
With Trump’s indiscretions
The outcome’s seen clearly

All the pundits are chattering
With nothing much to say
Nothing news is Earth shattering
Trump keeps digging away

The Republicans are losing out
Really down-ballot deep
The Senate looks like a rout
They, the House might not keep

Meanwhile seen many miles away
Mosul siege is the news
ISIL’s caliphate might not hold sway
If that city they lose

It’ll be our next President
Who’ll be calling these shots
Clinton’s capable, for all intents
Donald Trump, surely not
