Back-to-Back Forum

Most of this poelitic was written shortly after the Commander in Chief forum took place.  However, I was on travel and unable to post it until now.

Here are my thoughts on the forum tonight
Matt Lauer’s presiding, I’m prone to deride
His bias for Trumple was clearly in sight
There’s more, but for now let me put that aside
And concentrate more on the candidate’s forum

I doubt if their followers altered their stance
Trump, in his macho mode stuck to his form
Of sidestepping questions with overblown rants
While Clinton, the wonk that on issues she is
Addressed every question with substance, not spin

So how will the Army and veterans respond
Will they favor macho and see it as strong
And stick to the mantra that Clinton lacks trust
Or will they conclude as Commander he’s wrong
And Hillary’s win in November’s a must


Topsy and Turvy

Several prominent Republicans have been broadcasting this message.  I co-opted it for this poelitic.  My next posting will be Friday night or Saturday.

This is one topsy and turvy election
Where Trumple engendered a new insurrection
The GOP needs to promote true resistance
Were Trumple to win, it could lose its existence

If you are Republican, loving your party
And if you are worried, you’d better get started
Campaigning for Hillary so to ensure
That your Grand Old Party quite long may endure


Back to Back They Faced Each Other

On Wednesday, September 7th at 8 PM, Eastern,  NBC and MSNBC will host a back-to-back forum featuring both candidates, the subject being “Commander in Chief”.  It recalled the famous hand-clapping ditty :  One bright day in the middle of the night / Two dead boys got up to fight / …  I don’t recall the name of the poet.  If you do, please send me a comment.

One bright day in the middle of the night
The candidates prepared to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Slinging insults at each other
Acting oh so presidential
Making statements insubstantial
Don’t believe these lies are true?
Ask a dumb man, he’ll tell you


The Taming of the Trump

Have we been seeing
The taming of Trump
Or is it the conning
Of non-aligned chumps

It’s all about voters
Whose minds aren’t made up
So muddy the waters
Their choice is too tough

They’re swayed to and fro
Which reflects in the polls
As the hype steeper grows
It’s exacting its toll

Trumple tame, Trumple con
Trumple is what he’s been
Clinton’s done some things wrong
But she’s not cheated men


Bossie & Mercer

This simple poem will be very brief
Its purpose is highlighting these Trumple men

D. Bossie’s career goes back twenty two years
As hit man political, ethics be damned,
Was Prexy of Citizens United back then
In o-ten when SCOTUS ruled favoring CU

Before Kellyanne joined the Trumple campaign
She managed Trump’s super PAC, M A N O
The one who replaced her was David N Bossie
Now Trumple has hired him as hit-man on Hillary

Mercer’s the financier pulling the strings

Financier Mercer is a doctor of physics
Brilliant in science, his work earned awards
Developer of automated language recognition
Now CEO of a hedge fund worth billions
Right-wing supporter backing Breitbart and MANO

Gather details in wiki- links for Bossie and Mercer


Modern Day Slavery

Trump Model Management managed to cheat
Young female models brought here from abroad
To work here illegally then poorly treat
Like all Trumple workers they’re his to defraud

They came here as tourists; were told they should lie
To custom officials for visas to stay
They worked, then, as models and barely got by
Exorbitant fees were removed from their pay

‘Twas “modern day slavery” a model did say
To author James West of the Mother Jones site
“The most crooked agency…” docking their pay
While Trumple made millions exploiting their plight

This is the man who would be President
Railing against all illegals employed
Hypocrite, liar one hundred percent
Should he win, millions would be overjoyed


Something There Is …

“Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”
Written by Frost; Señor Trump buys it not
He will build a wall over ninety feet tall
But his tirades last night did reveal quite a lot

Aside from his claims clearly lacking for fact
Such as hordes of illegals each day streaming in
And stealing our jobs and performing bad acts
That Trumple is nativist isn’t just spin

It does indicate glaring gaps fundamental
Today’s GOP suffers major divides
The Trump nativism, itself isn’t fatal
But could well foretell of the Party’s demise

If GOP fissions, then what happens next
This new xenophobia, long it may thrive
A Know-Nothing party revised in context
Republican moderates might not survive
