There Are Things

For the next three weeks my wife and I will be touring in the Far East: Vietnam, Cambodia and Bangkok, Thailand to be exact. Part of that time we will be cruising on the Mekong River.  As such my postings will be a bit sporadic but I intend to keep up with the US political boiler pot and continue writing to the extent I can.  In writing this poelitic I couldn’t help but think about smart people like Kellyanne.  Please periodically go to the blog site, to view the latest comments as well as corrections I make to the poelitics.

There are things that make me happy
There are things that make me sad
This debate evoked a strange emotion
Sad and happy both at once I had

I was happy Clinton pulled a Clinton
She decisively trampled Trumple down
But the people that saddened me so strongly
Were his workers who’d put him on the throne


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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