I Find IT Ironic

I find it ironic and clumsily comic
Our standards aren’t fixed, we concur
For rightly or wrongly they do differ strongly
Depending to whom they refer

That Hillary fumbled and pulled a true Trumple
Had all the reporters aghast
This once she just blew it and everyone knew it
She called Tumple’s followers trash

But all through this season without rhyme or reason
Trump foully referred to his foes
His followers cheered him; to them it endeared him
The Press answered: that’s how he goes

But one thing delights me; the Press called it rightly
To hold Clinton’s standard way up
She wronged Trump’s supporters, it’s clearly reported
By telling them they were like Trump


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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