Hiroshima below us yesterday
As from Japan we airplaned to Hanoi
‘Twas Harry Truman made the fateful choice
And Shimon Perez left us yesterday
Politically he fathered Israel’s bomb
Most years of ninety three he worked for peace
The Nazi gassing chambers, Hitler’s deed
And from the ashes birthed the Israel state
Now Palestinians still wage his war
We’re in Hanoi. We see a land in peace
But thousands killed each day; we were at war
Decision makers: Johnson, Nixon too
Cambodia, so many thousands shot
In Killing Fields mowed down by K’mer Rouge
We didn’t intervene – not politic
In Libya we chose to intervene
Averting genocide, Khadafi’s plan
Obama, Clinton made the moral call
Now Syria, a raging civil war
Assad and Putin’s bloody power play
The children of Aleppo pay the price
There’s ISIS and the list goes on and on
Where innocents are murdered just like that
Where Presidents hard choices have to make
It’s time for us to make our choice again
Of whom we’ll trust the nation’s choosing to
Reducing risks of future holocausts