A Letter to Hillary

I have sent this poelitic to Hillary’s campaign.  If I get other than a perfunctory response I will share it with you on this blog.

A letter, dear Hillary, on subjects not new
This blog has supported you right from the start
But still questions linger; they come from the heart
On incidents for which opponents blame you

The first is Benghazi, please time-step us through
On what you knew when, and then what did you do
On Emails please tell us what’s false and what’s true
And on the Foundation, shed light on that too

We know that these issues your staff has addressed
And you have responded to some with vague clues
When clarity’s lacking it fosters false views
Your role in these issues has Fox News obsessed

So, please draft an op-ed, or news conference throw
And where there are issues admit to them too
It’s not enough giving obscure interviews
Supporters don’t want to vote holding their nose


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

2 thoughts on “A Letter to Hillary”

  1. Dear Sabba,

    I’m also supporting/ voting for Hillary, but far more by default than positive choice. In additional to the trouble spots you mention, I recall the unresolved Whitewater debacle, which still leaves a bad taste in my mouth (and scent). Still, with all the doubts, far better than “Trumbledee.”
    Thanks for keeping your finger on the pulse with your amusing poelitics. Well done!

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