More Rhyme-a-Doodles

According to the pollsters Hillary now has a better than 80% likelihood of winning in November.  Trump, in his desperation, has been preparing his supporters for his loss by claiming the elections are rigged and, today in Pennsylvania, claiming that the only way Clinton, who’s up in the polls by 11% in Pennsylvania, could win  there is by cheating.  Presuming Clinton does win in November, this will perpetuate the belief among the millions of Trump supporters that her presidency is illegitimate.  This is precisely what he tried to do to President Obama by promulgating the Birther movement.  I believe that attempting to undermine the legitimacy of the duly elected, sitting president is close to treasonous.

Humpty Trumpty steeped in his gall
Making Trumpty’s poll numbers fall
…..All the Republicans
…..Scared running men
Can’t seem to push up his numbers again


Pennsylvania has been blue
…..For many past elections
Following traditions true
…..Seem’s Clinton’s their selection
Trumple’s numbers are so low
…..He’s taking such a beating
He claim’s, if Clinton wins, you know
…..She’d only win by cheating


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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