Founder of ISIS?

Trumple in his desperation
Stooped below mere defamation
When he strongly
Clearly wrongly
Labeled Clinton ISIS founder

Dangerous this escalation:
Clinton, traitor of the nation
Trumple’s comments
Can’t but foment
Lethal danger all around her

Hearing, here, an invitation
Some nut full of aggravation
Feeling righteous
Really might just
Take his gun and try to down her


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

2 thoughts on “Founder of ISIS?”

  1. Trump even more dangerous than I thought but Hilkary has made a lot of mistakes regarding her lies about emails and influence the foundation may have had on state department. Why does she not answer these accusations with reasonable explanations

    1. Thanks, Rich, for your comment and question. My own answer has three parts: 1. “… regarding her lies about emails…”, she has not admitted to lies, nor has she been proven to have lied or knowingly received or transmitted classified material on her server. I suggest that you read this reference 1, below. She did admit that using a private server was a mistake and that she wouldn’t make that mistake again. 2. Regarding the Clinton Foundation kerfuffle, there were two incidents where the Justice Dept decided that the facts did not merit the time, money and effort to pursue. I suggest you read reference 2, below. 3. The point has been made that much of the treating of these “scandals” by Republicans and some of the media is anti feminist in nature. To that end I include several paragraphs from an earlier posting that discusses the origin of the false claim that Hillary is a congenital liar:

      Hillary has been accused of hosting a personal email server that “might” have made classified documents less secure, even though the documents in question were not classified as secret at the time she received and/or sent them. (Side note: some government documents receive secret classifications “at birth”, while other can be retroactively classified as secret.) In order for Clinton to have committed a criminal act, she would have had to knowingly and willfully mishandle material that was classified at the time she did so. After months of investigation no one has accused her of doing that, and it doesn’t appear as if anyone will.
      General Petraeus on the other hand, while he was Director of the CIA, knowingly gave a journalist, who was also his mistress, a series of black books which according to the Justice Department contained, “classified information regarding the identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities and mechanisms, diplomatic discussions quotes and deliberative discussions from high level National Security Council meetings and [Petraeus’] discussions with the president of the United States of America.” Petraeus followed that up by lying to numerous government officials, including FBI agents, about what he had done. And lets not forget that according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, adultery is itself a court-martial offense. And I remind you that none of this is in dispute. Petraeus admitted to all of it.

      Petraeus’ violations were significantly more egregious than anything Clinton is even remotely accused of. And yet Republicans and other Hillary foes are howling about her issue, wearing “Hillary for Prison 2016” t-shirts while insisting that this disqualifies her from public office. Meanwhile even after pleading guilty to his crimes Petraeus continued to be the recipient of fawning sentiments from conservatives. Senator John McCain stated that, “All of us in life make mistakes and the situation now, I hope, can be put behind him…” Politico quoted a former military officer who worked with Petraeus as calling the entire situation “silly”. Prominent Republicans have already made it clear that they would call him back to work in the highest levels of government if they win the Presidency. And some are still attempting to convince him to seek the Presidency himself.

      Reference 1: FBI and Clinton 1

      Reference 2: FBI & Clinton 2

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