Split Personality

Trumple’s recent advertising
Seemed a gross attempted smear
Featured there the Star of David
(Not a sheriff’s badge, it’s clear)
Clinton’s portrait and corruption
Lots of dollars raining down
Anti-Jewish implications
For his neo-Nazi clowns

Something strange is happening
Something’s an anomaly
Trumple’s not an anti-Semite
He has Hebrew family
So, here’s Trumple candidate
Foul mouthed bigot for his base
Then there’s Trumple family man
Big, bad Trumple, not a trace


And I Lose Patience

I’m fascinated by the lack
Of knowledge oft attending acts
Especially in politics
Where charlatans and lunatics
Prevail, resulting at the polls
In Congress fraught with sorry souls

This ignorant complacency
Can doom our great democracy
Electing to its leadership
A president who’s quite unfit,
A Congress that gets nothing done
And wars on end that can’t be won

I do lose patience when I hear:
“On politics, I don’t go near.”
This attitude, this stupid stance
Just means you’ll vote in ignorance
That in this information age
Gross ignorance is center stage


A Lesson Tough

Based on my own experience of 40 years working in the Defense industry, I would say that Secretary Clinton was caught up in the relatively lax security environment of the State Department.  This in not to excuse her “recklessness” in handling the 55, or so, Emails out of approximately 30,000; it is to put it in context.  A relevant article, written by Bill McLeod (A Better World Is Possible) is at the following link:

If You Believed the Lies

Let’s hope a lesson, tough, was learned today
The FBI gave Clinton a reprieve
She neither lied nor acted to deceive
But negligent she was, it’s fair to say

Some several dozen Emails this comprised
Among the thirty thousand that transpired
She didn’t follow protocols required
To keep her mail from being compromised

It’s time to learn and then release the past
It’s time to gird ourselves to win this race
It’s time for legislation that can pass
It’s time to weld the Democratic base

This doesn’t change the contest Clinton’s in
A contest Clinton handily must win


On July the Fourth

Trumple met his Uncle Sammy on July the fourth
Trumple asked his unc about gov benefits put forth
Asked his Uncle Sam of Trumple: “Where is my tax money?”
Answered Trumple to his unc: “Indeed I haven’t any.”
Uncle Sam then questioned Trumple: “Where are all your billions?”
Answered Trumple to his uncle: “In the Cayman Islands.”


Senate Di-Stink-Shun

The GOP Senate, this year, is distinctive
In sixty years, this year has been least productive
Issues of urgency they have neglected
It’s not what constituents really expected

So what are the issues they should be addressing?
Issues transcending political referencing
Issues affecting our nation’s well being
Acts of priority we should be seeing:

Quit stalling on SCOTUS, its vacancy fill
Outlaw gerrymandering, fairness it kills
Tax carbon emissions, our oceans warm still
Ban all assault weapons. Reduce oil spills

Make college affordable; drop interest rates
Upgrade infrastructures; bring them up to date
Reform immigration, it’s never too late
On Citizens United, the ruling negate

So many more issues of merit I see
But these are the ones that most matter to me



The political conventions are just around the corner.

This summer’s conventions may prove unconventional
Each party has problems that could bloom sensational
‘Though leaders are trying to keep matters rational
Nobody knows what will be

The RNC is losing its sponsoring
Major establishments taken to ‘Trump Dumping’
They’re withdrawing support strongly protesting
Trump’s brand of gross bigotry

And who’ll be the speakers the RNC’s featuring?
Seems the convention the big wigs are boycotting
Trumple and Christy could be all that’s happening
I guess they’re something to see

Meanwhile the DNC’s issues are festering
Tuggings of war over planks that are platforming
Pulling the party to left of their centerings
Hillary doesn’t agree
