Poor Trump

Tonight, on the MSNBC, Rachel Madow show, she reported two things: (1) Trump cancelled a round-table discussion with Hispanics in Florida this weekend and, as of then, had no other scheduled campaign appearances on his agenda; and (2) of all the planks on the Republican platform, many of which Trump has indicated his lack of agreement, the only plank that he forced off the platform was the one which pledged support for the Ukraine against Russia.

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Poor Trump’s depressed
His ratings were a mess
The Republican convention rated low
When he saw that Democrats
With diverse and funny hats
Had put on a really great convention show

Trump’s fighting back
Asking Soviets to hack
Hillary’s computer with no shame
So he’d get the dirt he’d need
For his campaign to succeed
And for this he’d promise Putin the Ukraine


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

4 thoughts on “Poor Trump”

  1. For years I tuned into ABC’s Sunday morning news program where George Will was a conservative panel member. Although I disagreed with his views most of the time I always appreciated his measured tone and his intelligent historical view. When he left the Republican party and became an Independent, it was no surprise. His articles in the Jewish World Review always make for interesting reading.

  2. Poor Trump is had
    A Red flag drapes his bed
    He is looking oh so pale and depressed.
    His Russian deals may fail
    If he does not win in Nov.
    And we will be the better off by far.

  3. George Will stated that it can be shown that Trump accepted bribes from Russia. What do you think?

    1. This is a quote from George Will’s article on Trump and Russia (http://limaohio.com/opinion/194542/george-will-how-entangled-with-russia-is-trump):
      “We shouldn’t overstate Putin’s efforts, which will hardly determine the outcome of the election. Still, we should think of the Trump campaign as the moral equivalent of Henry Wallace’s communist-infiltrated campaign for president in 1948. … A foreign power that wishes ill upon the United States has attached itself to a major presidential campaign.”
      It is unclear whether any political idea leavens the avarice of Trump and some of his accomplices regarding today’s tormented and dangerous Russia. Speculation about the nature and scale of Trump’s financial entanglements with Putin and his associates is justified by Trump’s refusal to release his personal and business tax information. Obviously he is hiding something, and probably more than merely embarrassing evidence that he has vastly exaggerated his net worth and charitableness.
      In Wednesday’s news conference, Trump said, “I have nothing to do with Russia.” Donald Trump Jr. says, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
      Trump Sr. can end the speculation by providing information. If, however, he continues his tax information stonewall, it will be clear that he finds the speculation less damaging than the truth would be, which itself is important information.”

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