Dems Day Four

In addition to Hillary’s comprehensive and effective acceptance speech, I thought three others were remarkable: The Reverend, Dr. William Barber of No. Carolina, Ret Gen John Allen and Khizr Khan, father of war hero, Cpt. Humayun Khan.  Rev Barber made the moral case in revival style against Trumpism, while Gen Allen, based on experience working with Hillary, made the military case pro Hillary and against Trump as commander-in-chief.  Khizr Khan challenged Trump: “… You have sacrificed nothing and no one…” All in all the convention was executed flawlessly, was very upbeat and showcased Hillary properly as wise, compassionate, tough, persistent, most experienced and qualified to be President, and entirely trustworthy.  I’m with Hillary.

Hillary’s acceptance address
Historic in itself
Oratory in prose
Not a hit out of the ballpark
Hillary brought everybody
Into the ballpark
America is great
Because America is good
Together we’ll
Make it even greater
Re Trump –
How would Trump handle a real crisis
If he can lose his cool over a tweet
Overall –
A great celebration
Of democracy
Of patriotism
Of women
Of Hillary


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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