
The Republican convention left us with a sense that the country is in a state of dystopia and only DJT can fix it.  Also the sessions with few exceptions were extremely negative and full of nonfactual assertions and distortions.  Today Hillary Clinton announced her choice of Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia to be her running mate.  Any of the top contenders would have been good, but I think Kaine is the best among them.  I am looking forward to the Democratic Convention next week.  I have two articles that I recommend one by Ezra Klein, which is an excellent rundown on Trump; and an article from the NY Times, which indicates something I have been saying in this blog, that Trump is only interested in winning and not in the responsibilities of governing should he win.

Unconventional days are behind us
During which, pointed out Trumpledee,
That dystopian darkness surrounds us
And who can dispel it? Just he

Today Clinton picked a luminary
To join as her veep candidate
He elicits the best commentary
And he’ll help Clinton carry his state

None other than Tim Kaine, the senator
Calling Richmond, Virginia his place
Once mayor, once governor, now senator
He’ll help Hillary win in this race

Next week is the Demo convention
Unity is the Demo’s main theme
All together, with skill and conviction
We can improve our lives as a team


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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