Today Was Number Four

Day, today was number four
Better, some, than days before
Trump accepted nomination right on course
He then yelled a frightful speech
Scaring those within sound’s reach
Things are awful; he can fix it; he’s your voice

Many quoted facts were wrong
Gross distortions came on strong
Bashing Hillary, the main theme of the week
But Ivanka’s introduction
Good in form and execution
Voiced Trump’s private side as honest and unique

Overall, this jamboree
Will go down in history
As among the worst the GOP has had
It was filled with words irate
Telling lies and spewing hate
Let us hope the Dems won’t be this f***ing bad


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

One thought on “Today Was Number Four”

  1. Hopefully, the Democrats will exhibit class and true facts and the idiots who are supporting T—-I (can’t even say his name) will get a clue on this ego driven, lying maniac. Someone, somehow has to expose him. There was this amazing movie with Andy Griffith running for President and he was exactly the personality and liar like this one–one day, a staff member left the microphone on and the world heard him say what he really was about. We can only pray.

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