What can we say about Governor Pence
Whom Trumple selected as veep candidate
The logic behind this makes GOP sense
With far-right Republican interests at stake
The rollout of Pence nearly caused me to yawn
An unenthused Trumple just read from a script
Then Pence spoke in platitudes; he soon was gone
So Trumple could freely speak his usual quips
Mike’s evangelic against women’s rights
Anti-gay, anti-immigrant and climate change
He cut corporate taxes; Planned Parents he fights
Cut funding for schooling and health-care short changed
A solid Republican, known and well liked
His presence is such Trumple won’t be upstaged
I anticipate Trumple’s poll numbers will spike
So Democrats still have a battle to wage
Trump and Pence’s interview on 60 Minutes made clear this is not a “marriage” made in heaven. Pence came across as a toady. Trump gave him a pass on voting for the war in Iraq saying that was “a long time ago,” but did not give Hillary Clinton a pass for the same vote. He speaks with “forked tongue.”