Last Tuesday Alton Sterling (father of 5) was killed, selling CDs. On Wednesday Philandro Castile was stopped for a broken tail light and was killed. Both of these killings by policemen. Then on Friday police officers: Brent Thompson, Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Michael Smith and Lorne Ahrens were gunned down by a sniper in Dallas (others were wounded).
These killings have got to stop!
……..But they won’t
We cultivate violence
……..As entertainment
These killings have got to stop!
……..But they won’t
Always, good guys kill bad guys
……..From the killer’s view
Some police hate/fear blacks
……..And kill them
Some blacks hate/fear police
……..And kill them
These killings have got to stop!
……..But they won’t
We are all aware and we respond
……..With apathy
……..No lives matter!