A Lesson Tough

Based on my own experience of 40 years working in the Defense industry, I would say that Secretary Clinton was caught up in the relatively lax security environment of the State Department.  This in not to excuse her “recklessness” in handling the 55, or so, Emails out of approximately 30,000; it is to put it in context.  A relevant article, written by Bill McLeod (A Better World Is Possible) is at the following link:

If You Believed the Lies

Let’s hope a lesson, tough, was learned today
The FBI gave Clinton a reprieve
She neither lied nor acted to deceive
But negligent she was, it’s fair to say

Some several dozen Emails this comprised
Among the thirty thousand that transpired
She didn’t follow protocols required
To keep her mail from being compromised

It’s time to learn and then release the past
It’s time to gird ourselves to win this race
It’s time for legislation that can pass
It’s time to weld the Democratic base

This doesn’t change the contest Clinton’s in
A contest Clinton handily must win


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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