
A lot more is in the news and Sunday political talk TV about Trump publicly  favoring Russia and Vladimir Putin.  According to Trump’s son they have a lot of holdings in Russia, but, in addition, a Trump statement in a Daily Kos (7/27/16) article by SouthSideDem quoted Trump as follows: 

“Donald Trump said Wednesday that, if he is elected president, he would consider recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and lifting the sanctions against Russia.

At a wide-ranging news conference, Trump said he “would be looking into that” when asked about his stance on Crimea and Russia. The Crimean Peninsula has been part of Ukraine for decades, but Russian President Vladimir Putin annexed the territory in March 2014 after a popular revolt toppled Kiev’s pro-Russian government.”

The clueless Trumpocchio
Is dancing on strings
Pulled on by Vladimir
The Russians’ mock king

The schnoz of Trumpocchio
Grows long with the news
I feign caution Vladimir
Bet Trump and you’ll lose

Hillary’s for NATO
To protect Balkan states
Never doubt, come November
Donald’s snout she’ll negate


Swindle, Swindle

Swindle, swindle, Donald Trump
Saw his holdings downward jump

Bankruptcy’s his art-of-deal
Firing workers his ideal

Workers hired for buildings new
Never paid them what was due

Sends his business overseas
Bank’s his gains where ’tis tax free

No one knows how much he earns
Hides his income-tax returns

Lies so glibly, unabashed
Cons the needy from their cash

Swindle, swindle, Donald Trump
Come November you we’ll dump


Poor Trump

Tonight, on the MSNBC, Rachel Madow show, she reported two things: (1) Trump cancelled a round-table discussion with Hispanics in Florida this weekend and, as of then, had no other scheduled campaign appearances on his agenda; and (2) of all the planks on the Republican platform, many of which Trump has indicated his lack of agreement, the only plank that he forced off the platform was the one which pledged support for the Ukraine against Russia.

I often make additions and corrections to earlier postings which are not reflected in your Emails.  So, I suggest that periodically you check at

Poor Trump’s depressed
His ratings were a mess
The Republican convention rated low
When he saw that Democrats
With diverse and funny hats
Had put on a really great convention show

Trump’s fighting back
Asking Soviets to hack
Hillary’s computer with no shame
So he’d get the dirt he’d need
For his campaign to succeed
And for this he’d promise Putin the Ukraine


Dems Day Four

In addition to Hillary’s comprehensive and effective acceptance speech, I thought three others were remarkable: The Reverend, Dr. William Barber of No. Carolina, Ret Gen John Allen and Khizr Khan, father of war hero, Cpt. Humayun Khan.  Rev Barber made the moral case in revival style against Trumpism, while Gen Allen, based on experience working with Hillary, made the military case pro Hillary and against Trump as commander-in-chief.  Khizr Khan challenged Trump: “… You have sacrificed nothing and no one…” All in all the convention was executed flawlessly, was very upbeat and showcased Hillary properly as wise, compassionate, tough, persistent, most experienced and qualified to be President, and entirely trustworthy.  I’m with Hillary.

Hillary’s acceptance address
Historic in itself
Oratory in prose
Not a hit out of the ballpark
Hillary brought everybody
Into the ballpark
America is great
Because America is good
Together we’ll
Make it even greater
Re Trump –
How would Trump handle a real crisis
If he can lose his cool over a tweet
Overall –
A great celebration
Of democracy
Of patriotism
Of women
Of Hillary


Dems Day Two & Three

Day two of the DNC was filled with drama and emotion over the roll-call vote nominating Secretary Hillary as the first female nominee of a major party to be so nominated. Senator  Sanders then moved that the nomination be by acclimation.  Also Michelle Obama gave a truly remarkable address.   Day three witnessed really outstanding addresses by Michael Bloomberg, Leon Paneta, Vice President Biden, nominee for VP, Senator Kayne, and President Obama.  If you haven’t heard them, I suggest that you listen to them at your first opportunity.  I will post links once they are available.

Day Two:

Some tension
First female nominee to be President

Day Three:

Five speeches, the best by the President


Dems Day One

Aside from the kerfuffle over the Russian-hacked Email revelations of what everyone already knew that the DNC played favorites during the primaries (which I write about below), I think the Michelle Obama’s speech stole the show.  The others were very good but her’s was truly outstanding.  On a different note, a subscriber suggested the following article by Gary Kasparov on the similarities between Putin and Trump.

A convention of Democrats
Often a brawl
With emotional heated spats
Words off the wall

This convention is in that mold
Factions afield
DNC did take sides, I’m told
As Emails revealed

Bernie Sanders’ supporters
Were rightfully mad
Telling all the reporters
They feel they’d been had

My opinion with you I’ll share
When said and done
Were the DNC not unfair
She still would have won

So get past it and get it straight
Dear Sanders fans
No room for continued hate
Lift heads from the sand!



The Republican convention left us with a sense that the country is in a state of dystopia and only DJT can fix it.  Also the sessions with few exceptions were extremely negative and full of nonfactual assertions and distortions.  Today Hillary Clinton announced her choice of Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia to be her running mate.  Any of the top contenders would have been good, but I think Kaine is the best among them.  I am looking forward to the Democratic Convention next week.  I have two articles that I recommend one by Ezra Klein, which is an excellent rundown on Trump; and an article from the NY Times, which indicates something I have been saying in this blog, that Trump is only interested in winning and not in the responsibilities of governing should he win.

Unconventional days are behind us
During which, pointed out Trumpledee,
That dystopian darkness surrounds us
And who can dispel it? Just he

Today Clinton picked a luminary
To join as her veep candidate
He elicits the best commentary
And he’ll help Clinton carry his state

None other than Tim Kaine, the senator
Calling Richmond, Virginia his place
Once mayor, once governor, now senator
He’ll help Hillary win in this race

Next week is the Demo convention
Unity is the Demo’s main theme
All together, with skill and conviction
We can improve our lives as a team


Today Was Number Four

Day, today was number four
Better, some, than days before
Trump accepted nomination right on course
He then yelled a frightful speech
Scaring those within sound’s reach
Things are awful; he can fix it; he’s your voice

Many quoted facts were wrong
Gross distortions came on strong
Bashing Hillary, the main theme of the week
But Ivanka’s introduction
Good in form and execution
Voiced Trump’s private side as honest and unique

Overall, this jamboree
Will go down in history
As among the worst the GOP has had
It was filled with words irate
Telling lies and spewing hate
Let us hope the Dems won’t be this f***ing bad


Today Was Number Three

Day, today was number three
Wild and woolly, seemed to me
Michael Pence was nominated as VP
He gave a placid speech
Put some delegates to sleep
But I liked the man, Republican, though he

Boos of Cruz headlined the news
Endorsing Trump, he did refuse
Telling all to vote their conscious when they do
Trumple glories in a feud
Upstaged Cruz as though on cue
And effectively dwarfed Pence’s prime debut

Still the ugliness remained
Bashing Clinton without shame
Ugly language and distortions of the facts
Speakers lacking grace
Working up the Trumple base
I predict this verbal venom will strike back


Today Was Number Two

Day, today was number two
In Convention, not much new
The Republicans heaped Hillary disdain
From the floor of the convention
I’m appalled to have to mention
“Lock her up!” they screamed again and yet again

Two addresses well received
One gave praise and one deceived
Donald Junior spoke with eloquence of Dad
Christy mocked a Clinton trial
Charges on her Christy piled
Both addresses full of errors; makes me mad!

He is now true candidate
Something he should celebrate
His poll numbers might be higher for a while
When reality sets in
Trump will take it in the chin
Trump for President will then go out of style
